Friday, January 4, 2008

On Rand's Ouvre

Books are an effective and time tested means of coercion. They provide the authors the superior platform to penetrate through the unsuspecting minds of the readers and Ayn Rand has heavily capitalized on this

Her conceptualization of work is sheer brilliance – the 'power of creation' is irrefutable. An ingenious piece of work

Some of her creations are really far sighted. The anti- dog eat dog rule which she talks about in the 1957, is nothing but the competition Act passed in 2002. (Although competition act was actually MRTP act, given a new look – still this anti- dog eat dog rule is more on competition act lines)

The single minded devotion, where everything else loses its significance is amazing – so many a time, we r caught in something so irrelevant or hang on to something very insignificant and lose focus.

But in the midst of all these is a strong coercion targeted at the minds of readers. The alluring add ontheories are by far too many…………………..

'The truth' is offered only as a package – packaged with theories justifying individual shortcomings – in effect making these falsities appear the whole truth.

The merits of capitalism have been blown out of proportion – Atlas Shrugged is studded with extreme examples of capitalism. C'mon, there is another side to the story as well.

Alright smoking is an individual's choice but glorifying it – 'When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind – and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression' is gibberish.
Boy! This is mass coercion!!! Large scale promotion of cigarettes!

Rand's conceptualization of love is rotten and that of family is absurd. Why can't work andfamily co-exist???? They can and quite peacefully too.

Influx of moral values would do a world of good because the means is as important (if not more) as the ends.If you actually strip the book of its add on theories and then look at its core idea then u r a smart customer but it could so easily be otherwise…….

Rand is seriously a Toohey in every sense of the word!!! And, she was as successful as Toohey too.Rand calling her personal life to be a postscript of her novels is hogwash, to say the least. Surely notwith NBI controversy……………..
Further, justifying her affair with her student under the pretext of self esteem is absolute nonsense -'Man will always be attracted to the woman who reflects his deepest vision of himself whose surrenderpermits him to experience a sense of self-esteem.'

Rand's works are no bible - no religion. I would trust the Gita more, for it has the same concept of work and more importantly Gita does not have any traceable vested interests (Am not denying a Da Vince Code in Hinduism but still Gita is worth it)

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